The TinkerSoc AGM will be taking place at 6:00PM on Wednesday 13th May, in the Lyons room in Eliot ( Location info )
The programme will be as follows:
1800-1830 Review of activities this year
1830-1845 Presentations for committee applicants
1845-1900 Elections, talk from current committee on plans for the coming year
1900-1915 Count of votes, election of new committee members
1915-???? Off to Mungos for a pint.
The committee will have 4 roles:
Vice President
If you wish to be a candidate for election to any of the above positions, then please email a manifesto explaining why you would like to take the position (can be a couple of sentences) to me (, and they will be added to the wiki and published before the AGM. You'll also be given time in the AGM to state your position.